Peer Review Process

Peer review is the process by which journals or conferences scrutinize and regulate the quality of content they publish, by inviting experts in the field to review and comment on manuscripts received. 

Manuscripts or extended abstracts submitted in ICSciEnTec conference will first undergo peer review which is double blind  review and after acceptance of the extended abstract the authors will be notified to submit camera ready paper. The authors can register for the conference with the extended abstract which is accepted. Further authors have the option to publish the full article in the journal. 

ICSciEnTec papers will be published in Zorig Melong  which follows the system of double-blind peer review process for the assessment of the article. All submitted manuscripts will undergo following peer review process before publication;  

  • Manuscripts submitted to a conference or journal first go through an initial screening by the editorial team.
  • Those that clear the screening are sent to at least two experts for peer review.
  •  Peer reviewers independently make a recommendation to the journal editor as to whether the manuscript should be rejected or accepted (with or without revisions).
  • The journal editor considers all the feedback from peer reviewers and makes an informed decision to accept or reject the manuscript.


The detailed process is explained in: